How To Book


I created this website to make it easier for people to book my flash work. Simply select an appointment date for the tattoo flash you would like and checkout to pay your deposit. 

Select the tattoo design you would like. Text and colour changes can usually be made at the appointment so don’t sweat the small details. 

All prices shown are deposits, the total price will be closer to the one in the “product image.” 

Instead of an “add to cart” button there will be a BOOK NOW button. A calendar will pop-up and ask you to select your best time for an appointment. 

Once you have selected your time, it will ask you for your name and email so I can contact you regarding your appointment. It will also give you the address for your tattoo. I am located in Liberty Village, Toronto, Canada. 


Pay your deposit by checking out. Wait for me to email you and confirm your appointment and I’ll see you soon! 

Deposits are subtracted from the total cost of your tattoo at the end of your appointment.

If you want to book a custom piece you may use the Request Custom Design form, or direct message me on instagram, you can also email me. When booking a custom piece make sure to lead with your budget. Custom pieces my require a follow-up consultation by email or webcam. 


Deposit & Cancellation Policy:

Deposits are mandatory and your appointment date isn’t secure until the deposit is sent. 

+ Deposits cost is $150.00 and is non-refundable.

+ My email for e-transfer is 

+ The deposit becomes lost if you cancel within 48 hours of your scheduled appointment date. ( The deposit will if you reschedule 3 times in a row. )

Tattoo Etiquette & Suggestions:

+ Please keep in mind when you cancel your appointment, even with a  few days notice it can be difficult for me to fill my day and that means I don’t work for the day, and therefore don’t get paid for the day. You cancelling your appointment directly effects my paycheque.

F.A.Q. : Why do tattoos I need a deposit?

Answer: Most tattooists keep a percentage of the money you pay for your tattoo, we’re not coming to work and getting paid salary or hourly by the “boss.” So if you book an artist’s day and don’t show up they make no money for the day and may have even turned down other requests for the time you booked.

+ You do not have to shave the area to be tattooed but make appropriate clothing choices. Choose loose and baggy clothing that will allow easy access to the area to be tattooed. If you are having large scale bodywork done consider bringing a housecoat and tie bikini. Avoid wearing white, or light coloured clothing. Bring snacks if you plan to be sitting for several hours. 

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